Sunday, January 23, 2011

Screaming Tween

The Los Angeles workshop of Slut came and went in a blur.  We had a fantastic turn out, great feedback and a hell of a fun show!  I am rather pleased with how it all went, minus the lighting problems on the second night...but shit happens and the show must go on...Thanks to all who came out to support!!

I went out the the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip this week for a well needed and well deserved night out of fun with friends and random strangers and to see this band I'm totally into.  I don't know what it is, but there is defiantly something about sweaty men jumping around on stage making sweet noise that transforms me into a screaming 7th grader. 

My friends, who are used to me being super serious and lately stressed were totally shocked to see me giddy on the dance floor with my limbs flailing uncontrollably to the rockin' tunes.  They made fun of me all night, I didn't really care.  I had a great time, was deeply inspired and let off just enough steam to press on and kick NY's ass with my show! 

New York City, I hope you're ready for me...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He Took IT Out!

Many people have been curious as to how much of this story is fact and how much is fiction.  So this one is for the record...this is the official story of me in a hotel hot tub with a Rock Star...

It was New Years Eve and I was in a suite at the Royalton Hotel in NYC.  A friend of a friend who was a record producer threw a crazy something out of a movie where there were 5 or 6 silver trays displayed on a table with pills and each one had a card in front of it describing the drug, its effects and what not to mix it with...

After the ecstasy kicked in I found myself in a hot tub making out with a Rock Star...don't get too excited, the tub was empty and we were fully clothed.  He was getting aggressive and kept trying to force my hand in his pants... "Please, just touch it, just a little, please"  No. I had just met him!  "Come on!"  After several efforts to no avail "Do you mind if I touch myself?"  Go ahead...So he took it out and helped himself along...I got up and rejoined the party...You know you're cool when you're jerking off alone in a bathroom at a party on New Year's Eve!

Quite a difference from the on-stage version, but you'll have to come see the show to hear that one!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Already Got Some...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Things are coming together for the LA shows next week and I'm getting super between the mental breakdowns.  For reals, the re-writes are working out and I'm happier than I expected to be with the direction the show is going.  YAY!

Last week a male acquaintance, sensing I was stressed, said to me "I hope you get some over the holidays".  Granted, he doesn't know me that well, or anything about my personal life but really?  Like for reals?  Are guys really that out of touch?  And how is that going to help my show?  I already have enough material written. 

Do men not realize that for women the world is like a gigantic free all you can eat buffet?  The dichotomy of the sexes...I don't know of any women who have trouble "getting some"... Most of us have more than we know what to do with in the sex department.  Sex is never the problem - it's the full package that's the rare commodity.