Thursday, December 23, 2010


I had a revelation while recording my poem "Fuck With Me" in the studio on Monday night...Something just kinda clicked and it occurred to me that I WILL make this show happen, in LA and NY....because I SAY SO!  Like in season 7 of Buffy when she was fighting Caleb and she had no chance against him, he defeated her episode after episode...until she simply decided in herself that she would win...and so she did.

Well kids, that's what I decided for myself.  The next day I booked my theater space in LA for January 11 & 12, 2011; I have had wonderful support on where people can make a donation to help me get to NY....One week in and I've raised 15% of my target (thanks to all my supporters, I can't do it without you)...

It's pretty amazing how one small shift in the mind can make so many huge differences.  GAME ON!