Friday, December 3, 2010

Panic, No Disco

Time keeps on slipping...into the future...

This week instead of having a meltdown, well in addition to it I went the Theater - 2 solo shows.  It was the best idea I had in a while.  The first show was about a guy who got busted smuggling a kilo of cocaine from Miami to LA 25 years ago...The second one was about a girl from Singapore overcoming her culture and finding happiness in America.

Both stories were totally inspiring and the performances were funny as hell despite the content.

I've gotten so lost in all the administrative details of getting my show together I had forgotten a few things - like how I live to be on a stage in front of a live audience, the magic that happens in a theater when you take an audience on a journey and how I've always fantasized about doing "it" on a stage when the theater is empty...

Instead of letting myself drown in paperwork what I need to focus on is how nothing in the world turns me on more than being on stage and creating something out of nothing and I'll be I will be fabulous!