Monday, December 13, 2010


I had a huge realization this weekend while talking to Hot Stuff...who moved recently.  We were talking about how moving really isn't such a big deal, like sure it is for a week or so until you get settled, but after a few days you kinda forget about it all.  DING DING DING!!!  All the THINKING about the show and getting to New York is what's freaking me out...I just have to move my ass full force ahead and get on with it...the DOING it is a way less bigger deal than the whole thinking about "how the hell am I gonna get this done". 

Take the whole back flip thing for example...I've been back flipping since I was about 5.  I've never really thought about it, I've just run, tumbled, flung my body into the air full force and voila - backflip.  If I ever had to sit down and try and figure out how the hell to do one, I don't think I would have ever learned a cartwheel.